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Oxon Hill Bicycle and Trail Club

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Mason Neck/Hallowing Point CC/C ~26 mi

Sat, September 16, 2023 9:30 AM | Ron Altemus (Administrator)

Leader:   Ron Altemus

Members:   RL Ron, Mary Scala, Althea Johnston, Pat Walters

(selfie photog - Mary Scala)

Route:   From Gunston Elementary, an out and back on Belmont Blvd for a scenic view of Belmont Bay, then the Mason Neck trail to a rest stop at the State Park visitors center.  Departing the park, east on Gunston Road to tour Hallowing Point followed by Gunston Estates.  A brief jog into Gunston Hall and a return via the trail to our start.  As detailed below, we didn't do the Pohick Bay Park and golf course short spurs.

Weather:   Oustanding - it really can't get any better.  Nothing but sunshine and bright blue skies with crisp humidity free air.  Temps starting in the mid 60s rising maybe to the mid 70s w/winds in the 5-8 mph out of the NW.  Pictured below - Belmont Bay looking quite nice as viewed from the Mason Neck State Park visitors center:

AMS:   a very leisurely/casual 11 mph

Mechanicals/Mishaps:  none

Report:  the first ride for Pat Walthers in quite a while and it was great having her on the bike with us again.  She's eagerly anticipating the delivery sometime this week of her new Orbea eBike and she'll once  received, again become a mainstay for many of our CC club rides.  Great to have you with us, Pat!

Steve Forman rode with us from the start down to the entrance to Mason Neck and then, desiring a speedier pace, decided to try and find the PPTC riders.  The rest of us arrived at the park in two pairings but from then on, we rode as a group to tour the Hallowing Point and Gunston Estates neighborhoods.  The hill back up from the Mason Neck park was a bit taxing for Pat and once crested, she opted to return directly to the start.  Others had gone into Gunston Hall but once collected, we all decided to skip the final two spurs and try and catch Pat on the trail.  That we were unable to do only meeting her back at the cars.  Apparently, a quick recovery after the hill.

Today's ride was a late posting as your faithful correspondent/ride leader wanted a nice ride and thought maybe other club members might wish the same.  Many thanks to those that came out to make a most enjoyable ride.

Oxon Hill Bicycle and Trail Club
P.O. Box 81  
Oxon Hill, MD 20750-0081

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