- Adventure Cycling Association (ACA)
The county's largest organization of recreational cyclists, with 44,000 members. They support their members' use of bicycles for exploration, discovery, and adventure.
- American Trails
National, nonprofit organization working on behalf of ALL trail interests. American Trails' members want to create and protect America's network of interconnected trails. Information on trails in all states.
- Bike Maryland
A state-wide organization working to make bicycling a viable and safe mode of transportation in Maryland. Its mission is to promote bicycling, increase safety, improve conditions, and provide a voice for bicyclists in Maryland.
- Bikes Belong Coalition
A membership organization founded by bicycle industry leaders with the mission of "putting more people on bikes more often."
- Bicycle Coalition of Greater Philadelphia
Promoting the bicycle as an environmentally friendly, healthy, and economical form of transportation and recreation through advocacy and education.
- Bicycle Federation of America
A national, not-for-profit organization working with people in communities to make America more bicycle friendly and walkable. Their resource center provides updates, information and resources for bicycle and pedestrian practitioners, related professionals, and citizen advocates. Now known as the National Center for Bicycling and Walking (NCBW).
- East Coast Greenway
Walkers, cyclists, and other trail advocates have joined forces around an audacious project, a 2,600 mile traffic-free path linking East Coast cities from Maine to Florida.
- International Bicycle Fund
A non-governmental, nonprofit organization, promoting sustainable transport and international understanding. Major areas of activity are non-motorized urban planning, economic development, bike safety education, responsible travel and cycle tourism, and cross-cultural, educational bicycle programs.
- League of American Bicyclists (LAB)
The national bicycle advocacy organization. The League of American Bicyclists was founded in 1880 as the League of American Wheelmen. It promotes cycling for fun, fitness and transportation, and works through advocacy and education for a more bicycle-friendly America. Membership includes 35,000 individuals, 450 recreational clubs (including the Oxon Hill Bicycle and Trail Club), and 50 state and local advocacy organizations.
- Maryland Association of Mountain Bike Operators (MAMBO)
An organization of environmentally-concerned bicycle enthusiasts dedicated to preserving and improving the quality of off-road trails in Maryland. Their mission is to protect the current open access and to educate both mountain bikers and the general public regarding proper trail etiquette.
- Montgomery County Bicycle Action Group (MCBAG)
citizen’s bicycle advisory group sponsored by the Montgomery County DPWT comprised of representatives of the cycling community and citizens who meet monthly to discuss issues of interest pertaining to cycling in Montgomery County, Maryland.
- People's Alliance for Rock Creek (PARC)
A broad alliance of environmental, recreation, community, and park advocacy groups has developed an alternative plan for Rock Creek Park that would reduce traffic, improve trails, preserve native vegetation, and protect popular recreation facilities.
- Potomac Heritage Partnership
An organization that promotes the preservation and protection of heritage resources for the Potomac River watershed.
- Project for Public Spaces (PPS)
PPS is a nonprofit organization dedicated to creating and sustaining public places that build communities. The web site has a terrific section on transportation and livable communities, with a large collection of photographs, including bicycle related photographs.
- Rails-to-Trails Conservancy
A 13-year-old nonprofit organization dedicated to enriching America's communities and countryside by creating a nationwide network of public trails from former rail lines and connecting corridors.
- Transportation Alternatives
A New York City-area citizens’ group working for better bicycling, walking and public transit, and fewer cars. They want safer, calmer neighborhood streets and car-free parks.
- Virginia Bicycling Federation
Help build a bicycle-friendly Virginia by joining a statewide alliance of bicyclists working together to improve conditions on city streets, rural roads and off-road trails.
- Washington Area Bicycle Association (WABA)
The area's largest bicycle advocacy organization. WABA envisions bikeways going everywhere, bike lanes on every road, bike access across every bridge, bike accommodations on all transit, and bike parking at every destination. WABA envisions cyclists choosing to go everywhere they possibly can by bike not only because it's the healthiest and most environmentally-friendly means of transportation but also because it's the safest and most convenient option. WABA envisions cyclists never getting harassed by motorists who refuse to acknowledge our right to the road.
- Woodrow Wilson Bridge Project
Web site for current and reliable information on the Wilson Bridge Project. The new Bridge will have a 12 foot wide pedestrian and bicycle lane with appropriate safety barriers, which will connect to the existing/proposed trail systems in Maryland, Virginia, and the District of Columbia. A deck over the Beltway on Rosalie Island in Prince George's County will provide a connection to the proposed Potomac Heritage Trail.