Caryl And Brian's World Wide Bicycle Adventure
On-line report from a couple cycling around the world. Their tour started in August 1995 and has already covered over twenty thousand miles. Every two to three weeks they write a newsletter, which is published on their web site.
Chuck Anderson's Home Page
Read Chuck's bicycle travel stories and book recommendations and see his scenes from the road.
Jan Boonstra's cycling pages
Comprehensive Web site with many pages on Jan's cycling touring in 32 countries. Also many links to other good Web sites on touring.
Ken Kifer's Bike Pages
Information about bicycling, especially bicycle touring. It includes stories and pictures from Ken's bike trips, advice on making similar trips, practical, political, and environmental information about cycling, and humor. Excellent articles Ken has written on cycling and touring humor, cycling health and fitness, cycling safety, and cycling advocacy.
Impressions from Bicycle Travels
Visual stories from America and Asia with photographs illustrating why traveling by bicycle is so special. Paul and Grace use their "camera lenses to visualize the feeling of traveling by bicycle: unexpected adventures, contact with other cultures and cycling through monumental scenery."
Mike Vermeulen's Home Page
Trip reports of tours Across the USA, the Netherlands, the Rockies in Colorado the Atlantic Coast, the Dempster Highway, Bicycle Ride Across Tennessee ( BRAT), Hawaii, Across Canada, and the Pacific Coast.
A starting point for information about traveling by bicycle. Click on a world map for direct access to touring info for any country.
Trento Bike Pages
A collection of pieces of information about bicycle touring and off-road (mountain) biking in Europe and the Mediterranean. The main topics are trail descriptions and tour reports, but they also carry other general information, such as cycling literature and announcements of events relevant to recreational cycling.
Vilmar's Cycling Adventures
Interested in riding across the US or down the Pacific Coast? This site has journals, gear lists, photos, tips, stats, links, etc.
Oxon Hill Bicycle and Trail Club P.O. Box 81 Oxon Hill, MD 20750-0081