If you have a cell phone, include its number on the cue sheet and have your cell phone on during the ride.
Arrive 10-15 minutes before the ride start time.
Have riders' contact info - available in the Wild Apricot Admin app.
Welcome the riders and brief them on details of ride stops, problems, pace, and potential problems.
NEW - Riding through intersections. Ride Leaders will announce at the ride start that every rider is responsible for themselves on the road. OHBTC does not use the announcement of “Clear,” “Open” or use any other similar announcement at an intersection to indicate that it is safe to cross. Riders should be asked at the start to make no such announcement. Riders should never rely on another rider’s behavior at intersections and each rider must follow all traffic laws including at intersections. Leaders will remind riders to make their own determination at each intersection as to when the rider can safely proceed into and through the intersection. Calling out “car left” or “car right” at an intersection is appropriate.
Ask new riders about their bike’s status and if they have tubes, repair kit, and so on.
Make sure the riders wear helmets.
"Lead from the rear" or appoint someone to "ride sweep!"
Ride at the advertised pace!
After finishing the ride, make sure that all riders are accounted for.
Some starting points do not have restrooms, plan accordingly.
Make sure your bicycle is in proper working order before you arrive.
Carry a spare tube, patch kit, pump, water bottle and snack.
Carry identification and emergency money.
Bring a cue sheet and/or have the route downloaded to your GPS device.
Wear a helmet!
Practice safety and obey all traffic laws.
Do not "bike off" more than you can do. Go on rides within your ability, interest and experience level. If in doubt, phone the ride leader or check the club website for guidelines: https://ohbike1.wildapricot.org/classifications
Riders should maintain the pace as advertised. Riders may ride faster or slower than this pace if they know the route and advise the leader accordingly. In this case the leader will not be responsible for the cyclists' safe return or completion of the ride.
Riders should advise the ride leader if the they will not complete the ride or deviate from the designated route.
Riders should warn nearby cyclists of road debris or, when in the rear, warning leading cyclists of approaching motorists from behind.
NEW- Riding through intersections. Riders must follow all traffic laws including at intersections. OHBTC policy is not to use “Clear,” “Open” or any similar announcement at an intersection. Thus, riders will not announce “Clear,” “Open” or any similar announcement at an intersection to indicate that it is safe to cross. Riders should never rely on another rider’s behavior at intersections. Each rider must make their own determination at each intersection as to when they can safely proceed into and through the intersection. Calling out “car left” or “car right” at an intersection is appropriate.
Riders should as simple courtesy help out others with mechanical problems. Riders will try to help but there is no obligation to wait for cyclists with major breakdowns.
Riders should use common sense and courtesy.
Oxon Hill Bicycle and Trail Club P.O. Box 81 Oxon Hill, MD 20750-0081