Leader: Ron Altemus
Members: Gene Villiva, Susan Altemus, Fran Jezisek, Randy Schoch, Donaro Gardner, Leesha Saunders, Mark Garrison, Robin Garnett, Jackie Schoch. Not pictured - Dan Donahue who started at White Plains and met us where Mattawoman Creek goes under the trail.
Route: the best Friday ride option - Indian Head Rail Trail, Livingston Rd parking lot to White Plains trailhead and return
Weather: another "late" summer day (actually, astrologically speaking, the first day of Fall is Sunday, September 22). Bright sunshine with brilliant blue skies; temp range of 73 - 79; a slight hint of humidity; and 3-6 mph air flow out of the north.
AMS: Ride leader averaged low 12s, others pedaled their own personalize speed.
Mechanicals/Mishaps: none
Report: for as nice a day as it was, the trail wasn't very busy. Long stretches, particularly west of Bensville, were devoid of other users. We did espy fellow club member Bob Moye riding in the opposite direction. First time we've seen Bob this summer and Donaro, as part of his plan to get extra miles, turned and rode with him.
Wildlife sightings consisted of two eagles near the nest just east of the Livingston Rd parking lot, a hawk, common white egret/white heron, and a cardinal representing the bird family. Mammals observed were a couple of deer crossing the trail near the 12 mile marker and several kamikaze squirrels on or alongside the trail proper. With the days still warm, butterflies and reptiles were also present on the trail. Yellow swallowtails and a Monarch were seen along with several 5-line skinks and a good size eastern black rat snake as photographed by Robin: