Leader: Eric Nielsen
Members: Linda Bankerd, Luis Dall'Orso
Guests: A. Banyai
Route: https://ridewithgps.com/routes/47349945
Weather: Cloudy, 64F to start. Clear by noon, wind NNE 10-15 along the Chesapeake Bay shoreline. Temperature at finish: mid 70sF.
Mechanicals: None.
Report: Garmin reports 3136 feet climbing on this modestly hilly route into northern Calvert County. We ventured further southeast than the usual ride from Wayson's corner, visiting Breezy Point and Willows, the latter offering commanding views of the Bay. All finished in good spirits. It was Ms. Banyai's first ride with OHBTC.
Most amusing sight: On Mill Branch Road, two goats were observed stretching and relaxing on elevated platforms next to their shelter in the pasture. Lou opined that they were doing yoga. And why wouldn't they?