Leader: Ron Altemus Members: Donaro Gardner, Denny Miloler

Route: Indian Head Rail Trail - Livingston Rd parking lot east to White Plains and return after a brief rest stop
Weather: sunny with temps starting in the mid 40s rising to 50; 12-15 mph NW winds with gusts in the 20s
AMS: 11ish
Mechanicals/Mishaps: none
Report: actually not too bad with a tailwind outbound and only a few of the aforementioned gusts coming back (actually, average speed was faster on the return into the wind!). Until we got to Middletown heading east, we were the only ones on the trail. The eastern end saw some walkers and joggers and only one other cyclist.
Scored a cold-blooded trifecta as we saw turtles, a couple of snakes, and heard frogs at various points along the trail. Bird sighting included two Great Blue Herons at different locations, a red-shouldered hawk overhead, plenty of robins, and numerous other brown birds of various sizes.