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Oxon Hill Bicycle and Trail Club

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Ride Reports

Ride Leaders are encouraged to post reports on their rides. Members can comment on ride reports and anyone can read the reports and comments. Instructions for posting a report

You must be logged in to post a ride report. To log in, enter your Email and Password in the upper right corner and click the "Login" button. If you need a password, click Forgot Password. After you login, you will see an "Add Post" button.

Click the “Add Post” button. For the Date and Time, enter the date and start time of the ride

For Subject, enter the Month/Day - Ride Name - Class and number of miles; for example: “6/30 - No Deale Ride - B 45 miles”.

In the Body box, enter your ride report. You can enter it directly into the text box using the word-processor features on the tool bar. After you enter the report, click the “Post” button at the top or bottom of the page and your ride report will be posted on the web site. As the author of the report, you will be able to edit or add to the report.

For a good article on Ride Reports and adding photos to Ride Reports, see pages 7 and 8 of the March 2018 "Spoke-n-Word" .

Here is suggested template for the body that you can copy (control-c) and paste (control-v) into the body of your ride posting.









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  • Fri, January 06, 2012 1:00 AM | Deleted user
    Leaders Jackie and Randy Schoch. Riders were John Ricopan, Jeanne Ulrich, Lawrence Peed, Dana Treuas, Jane and Jim Hundall, and Calvin Conyers. What a great day for a ride. It was 63 degrees with a light wind. The only wildlife we saw was squirrels and a Eagle. I have seen in the past 2 eagles where the beaver dam is, so I was wondering where was the other one today. The biggest surprise was to see Bob Moye out on his bike. Bob was in a terrible bike accident 2 years ago, so it was great to see him today. Hopefully he will join us on Fridays for his training to ride his bike again. Great job, Bob!
  • Sun, January 01, 2012 10:00 AM | Deleted user

    The Fab Brew Crew section, of Oxon Hill Bike Club, went out for their inaugural bike ride of the year from Chesapeake Beach. The weather definitely cooperated.

    Robin Brungard and Deb Brower led the A/B ride. Cathy Lucas and Jerry Finan led the C riders and made sure everyone finished safely. Fifteen members participated. We completed a 22-mile bike ride and watched the Polar Bear plunge in North Beach. We finished at Deb Brower's house in Chesapeake Beach with a potluck luncheon and New Year's drinks. A great time was had by all and there is talk about making this an annual event. Thanks to Robin for planning our route and to Deb for opening up her lovely home to all of us.

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Oxon Hill Bicycle and Trail Club
P.O. Box 81  
Oxon Hill, MD 20750-0081

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