The morning weather report promised mild temperatures – so why were we all shivering in the parking lot? Low dark clouds made for a chilly start. But the sun came out about 6 miles into the ride and by the rest stop, jackets and head coverings were shed. It turned out to be a bright, warm day – 62 degrees at the finish, according to Holly’s car. Quite a crowd for winter: the 33 miles were covered by Linda and Paul Bankerd, guest Duann Bufoll, Holly Carr, Roger Cubbage, Richard Harrington, Jim and Jane Hudnall, Steve Palincsar, Mike and Regina Saizan, Tom Roberson and Dave Van Ameyden. John Early met us at the Moreland store after a late start. Roger made a wrong turn, but he too made it to the store. Ride leader went searching for him before driving home, couldn’t find him, returned to the parking lot - and there he was, so all was well. New photo opp: Jim brought out his tripod so he could be in the send-off picture.