SPECIAL OFFER to OHBTC members from Wheel Nuts Bike Shop in Alexandria
Our Mechanics are getting bored! Help keep em' busy with our Wheel Nuts Performance Overhaul special:
Regularly $200 now $150. Plus we are cutting our door to door pick up and drop off fee in half now just $10 for all members in PG, Charles, Fairfax and Arlington Counties.
Performance Overhaul Includes:
- Removal & deep cleaning of entire drive train in our ultrasonic cleaner.
- Replacement of brake and gear cables and housing
- Replacement of loose style ball bearings in wheels, headset and bottom bracket (cartridge style bearings extra-labor included with overhaul)
- Lateral/radial truing of both wheels
- Complete reassembly of bike and adjustment of brakes and gears
- Lubrication of all moving parts
- Frame cleaning and waxing
- Note: A thorough survey is performed on each bike. Any damaged, broken or worn components not covered by the overhaul and the respective replacement labor is explained and added to the work order. All replaced parts are saved for inspection.
- Offer valid through December 31, 2017
- Call Ron Taylor-Owner/Wheel Nuts Bike Shop to arrange pickup. Cell-703/231-6374 Or you may drop off the bike directly at the shop.
Wheel Nuts Bike Shop - 302 Montgomery Street - Alexandria, VA 22314
Monday thru Friday 11am to 7pm
Saturday 9am to 6pm
Sunday 10am to 5pm