OHBike would encourage you to become aware of Bicycle Maryland and the Washington Area Bicycle Association and our efforts in lobbying for "Complete Streets" as well as legislative efforts to pass HB222 and HB285 as well as SB465.
Vehicle Laws - Overtaking and Passing Bicycles, Farm Equipment, Farm Tractors, and Animal-Drawn Vehicles -- allows motorists to change lanes (including when there is a double yellow line) when passing bicycles and other slower road users, or slow down if the road is too narrow for sharing. This bill clarifies the 3-foot law to support the common-sense practice that already exists.
HB222 will clarify the law to conform with common-sense practices allowing motorists to safely pass cyclists, pedestrians, and others using the roadway at significantly slower speeds. If you have firsthand experience at being passed at less than 3 feet or an example of the status of biking or walking to your local school, please share your experience.
HB285 Department of Transportation -- Pedestrian and Bicycle Access to Public Schools -- Study -- requires the Maryland Department of Transportation to study the current status of and make recommendations to increase the opportunities to walk and bike to school.
HB285 will collect the information that communities across Maryland need to better connect their communities to their schools via sidewalks and paths so that our children can reap the health benefits of walking or biking to school.
SB268 -- Vehicle Laws - Overtaking and Passing Bicycles, Farm Equipment, Farm Tractors, and Animal-Drawn Vehicles – this is the crossfile of HB 222 and as such it is exactly the same.
SB465 -- Motor Vehicle Accidents Involving Pedestrians or Nonmotorized Vehicles -- ensures fairness of recovery for injury when a vulnerable road user is struck by a motorist. This bill allows a plaintiff in such a case to recover damages if they are 50 percent or less at fault. This legislation promotes fairness in civil law and modernizes Maryland’s approach to dealing with such cases. A similar law was recently enacted in D.C.
SB465 will provide fairness for those pursuing civil action when they are struck by a motorist, by allowing a plaintiff in such a case to recover damages if they are 50 percent or less at fault.
For more information, and to show your support for these initiatives, contact BikeMaryland.org. If you have any first-hand experiences being passed at less than 3 foot or if you've had to bring a civil suit, please include a brief description of your experience in your email.
This topic was prompted by an inquiry from a student in by Mrs. Crawford's health class at Potomac High School in Oxon Hill MD.