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Oxon Hill Bicycle and Trail Club

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Friday IHRT ~20 miles

Fri, March 14, 2025 10:00 AM | Ron Altemus (Administrator)

Leader:   Ron Altemus

Members:  Donaro Gardner, Darrell Meyer, Gene Villiva

Route:   Indian Head Rail Trail (IHRT) - Livingston Rd parking to White Plains and return

Weather:  raw chilly grey day, narrow temp range 44-46. minimal ENE air movement

AMS:  12ish

Mechanicals/Mishaps:   none

Report:  big difference in "feels like" temperature from the last time we rode from the Livingston Rd parking lot.  Our Tuesday, March 11 ride had an almost identical start temp of 46 but under brilliantly sunny skies, the "feels like" listed as 55!   Seemed like one never warmed up today - a sentiment shared by all of us.

As usual, not a lot of other trail users until we got to Bensville and then a good number of walkers, some cyclists, and several families with children on bikes or scooters.  The latter didn't seem to be as cold as we were moving a little faster on our bikes.

Trees continue to leaf out with splashes of red and green vying to be the most observed color.  An eagle was seen both outbound/inbound on the nest near Livingston Road.  Heading towards White Plains, Gene was ahead prior to Bensville where he had several deer saunter across the trail as he approached.  The rest of us behind didn't see the deer but we did see either a big fox or smallish coyote cross the trail behind Gene.  Spring peepers were doing their peeper thing, mainly near Pomfret in the overflow areas of Mattawoman Creek.

Oxon Hill Bicycle and Trail Club
P.O. Box 81  
Oxon Hill, MD 20750-0081

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