Leader: Steve Palincsar
Members: Ron Altemus
Guests: None
Route: https://ridewithgps.com/routes/39819531
Weather: Partly cloudy, mid 50s at the start, rising to the high 60s. Breezy, with 10-12 mph winds.
AMS: 11.9
Mechanicals/Mishaps: none (Well, none on my route. Lou Dall'Orso had a flat which was repaired at the Nanjemoy store, but he was with Joan's group)
Report: Not much sign of spring in Nanjemoy yet, unlike Alexandria and the District, but it definitely felt like a spring day, especially towards the end when the temps got up to almost 70.
This was my first chance for a weekend ride in weeks, and I could definitely feel it. The 30 mile route was easy by design: it's been a long hard winter with few opportunities to ride. Surely others must be feeling as rusty as I do and would appreciate an easy start to the season.
Joan was up for a longer route and posted a 35 mile variation. 9 others joined her, several actually on their first rides of the season. Ron and I did the 30 version. The two groups rode together for the first 20 miles, separating at the 2nd rest stop at the Nanjemoy Store as the long route went down to the end of Liverpool Point Rd. while Ron and I took a break at the store before returning to Friendship Farm Park.
It was a lovely day, and it was wonderful seeing riders I haven't seen in a year or longer - in one case, not since the Pandemic. And it was a fine reminder of why this is such a great activity.