Leader: Joan Oppel
Members: Lou Dall'Orso, Donaro Gardner, Sue Gunter, Patricia Sanders, Janet Shipko, Tom Short, Pat Walters and Anonymous User
Route: Today we used the Bryans Road ride start so went out Livingston to Bumpy Oak and then straight on to Rt 6, the Causeway and Chapel Point. A nice stop at St Ignatius and then on for 6 miles on Bel Alton, including the nice 3/4 mile uphilll after crossing the little creek bridge. Then Springhill Newton, Glen Albin, the La Plata Dash-In. On to Rt 6, Valley, Hawthorne, Bumpy Oak again. The IHRT took us back to Hawthorne, then Chapmans Landing and Hungerford.
Weather: Very sunny, temperatures in 80s and 90s - but with low humidity.
Mechanicals & Mishaps: One rider arriving at St Ignatiius was unable to unclip one foot. Luckily it was the foot that usually remains clipped in. We helped her remove her shoe so she was able to get off the bike. It turned out one cleat bolt had been lost. Because this has happened several times in the past, your ride leader carries spare SPD cleat bolts. And we had the cleat reinstalled quickly. There was a later chain issue dealt with quickly by the rider, who remarked that the chain was properly reseated in a minute but the hand cleaning took much longer.
Report: We got started a little late to a traffic issue and we quickly split into two groups. The shade, the cool bathroom, the water at St Ignatius were welcome, especially to deal with the shoe fix. The slow group regrouped to accommodate different paces. An enjoyable ride, and at least one or two people offered the comment that they were glad to do some hill practice.