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Oxon Hill Bicycle and Trail Club

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Ride Reports

Ride Leaders are encouraged to post reports on their rides. Members can comment on ride reports and anyone can read the reports and comments. Instructions for posting a report

You must be logged in to post a ride report. To log in, enter your Email and Password in the upper right corner and click the "Login" button. If you need a password, click Forgot Password. After you login, you will see an "Add Post" button.

Click the “Add Post” button. For the Date and Time, enter the date and start time of the ride

For Subject, enter the Month/Day - Ride Name - Class and number of miles; for example: “6/30 - No Deale Ride - B 45 miles”.

In the Body box, enter your ride report. You can enter it directly into the text box using the word-processor features on the tool bar. After you enter the report, click the “Post” button at the top or bottom of the page and your ride report will be posted on the web site. As the author of the report, you will be able to edit or add to the report.

For a good article on Ride Reports and adding photos to Ride Reports, see pages 7 and 8 of the March 2018 "Spoke-n-Word" .

Here is suggested template for the body that you can copy (control-c) and paste (control-v) into the body of your ride posting.









  • Mon, February 20, 2012 11:00 AM | Deleted user
    Ride Leader Ron Leak was joined by Ken Meredith, Carol Harris, and guest Mike Cordova, on a nice ride to Aquasco from Accokeek.  This ride was officially supposed to go at 10:00am, but due to wind chill, it was moved to 11:00am.  The ride was supposed to stay around 16 miles per hour.  Well as we all know that never really happens.  By the time we got to Cedarville State Forest the average was 18.3 mph, but come to find out after the rest stop at the IGA, we were riding with a tailwind.  So when we left the IGA, we headed down Aquasco/Brandywine with a headwind.  The final average was 16.7 mph.
  • Mon, February 20, 2012 10:00 AM | Stephen Palincsar (Administrator)
    Feb 20 - Presidents Day ride to Fort Washington. Leader: Steve Palincsar. Another day of clear blue skies, bright sun and brisk wind. Cooler today than earlier in the weekend: although the heavy gloves and the wind breaker came off a dozen miles into the ride, the balaclava never did. Joining me were Jim and Jane Hudnall, Holly Carr, Tom Roberson, Sue Gunter, Bruce Rolfsen and Jill Thompson-Riese. Bruce, Jill and I rode over the Wilson Bridge from Virginia, and Holly, Jim and Jane -- running late because they couldn't find their winter riding gear (if that's not a sign of unusual weather this year...!) -- rode from home and joined us opposite Oxon Hill Manor. Before the ride, Walter Carr wondered how we were going to get to Pisgah in only 30 miles - as well he should do, since we were going to Piscataway instead. Two Indian names, both places we ride to, both begin with "Pis," call it a "Brain-O". The route was very similar to the 40th Anniversary ride, except we went down Gallahan and up Livingston instead of the other way around, and instead of coming up Oxon Hill Rd. at the end, we turned left on Fort Foote (after waiting for the funeral procession with police escort) and up Loughran. Remarkable observation: we actually saw some snow on the shoulders of Old Fort Rd., perhaps enough to fill an 8 oz glass if you packed it down. So much for last night's weather forecasts!

    Photos on Facebook 
  • Sun, February 19, 2012 10:00 AM | Janell Saunders (Administrator)
    A bit cooler start than Steve's ride yesterday, but Herb Pruitt and Ken Meredith (riding from the Accokeek firehouse) joined me for a B pace, and we agreed to do the 31 mile route. Herb and I were still feeling the affects of the "flat hills" yesterday, and thankfully, Ken was happy to keep us company.  No mishaps or incidences, and we enjoyed friendly conversation (I learned more about customized bikes and components, making me think about an upgrade) and good company.  Avg speed was 13.5.
  • Sun, February 19, 2012 10:00 AM | Diane Harris (Administrator)

    Weather predictions all week had called for snow but not until later in the day so four of us chanced it staying dry for the ride.  Claire Chiamulera, Jack Gardner, and Blake Altman were with me from the start.  Dave Kemp joined us on Bumpy Oak Rd.  The roads were lightly traveled with nice stretches of flat and the occasional short climb.  A flat tire within 3 miles of the finish was the only excitement of the day.  Ride leader finished with a 16.4 ams.


  • Sat, February 18, 2012 2:00 PM | Deleted user
    Leader Ron Leak was joined by guests Amy Odegaerd and Ed Novak along with members Jimmy Bartlett, Delane Rouse, Jim and Jane Hudnall, Larry Peed, Jeanne and Pete Ulrich, Richard Harrington, and Jennie Swart on a nice ride down to Marshall Hall.  The weather was really nice without much wind.  There were no issues on the ride.
  • Sat, February 18, 2012 10:30 AM | Stephen Palincsar (Administrator)
    Sat., Feb 18.  Patuxent Surprise.  Leader: Steve Palincsar

    Another startlingly lovely February "early spring" day: clear skies, high 40s when we left, high 50s when we returned, but a moderate breeze (4 on the Beaufort scale, I'll bet) made it seem significantly cooler.  Among the Oxon Hill contingent who signed in were Mike and Regina Saizan, Walter Measday, Janell Saunders, Jim Hudnall, Herb Pruitt, Linda and Paul Bankerd and Sarah Clement, with guests and Potomac Pedalers bringing the numbers up to 21: 1 more than the number of cue sheets I brought.  This time, it was a 36 mile route (that actually turned out to be 38 miles) with an 8 mile shortcut, rest stops at Merkle and Jug Bay and a return up Cross Road Trail.  Two riders took the short cut.  If you were on the ride and lost a balaclava, contact Walter at
  • Sat, February 18, 2012 10:00 AM | Deleted user
    Ride leader - John Gorman, was joined by members Diane Gorman, Pat Walthers, John Riconda, and guest Lisa Oken.  This route goes south from the school located on MD-214 E/(962) Central Ave, down Queen Anne Bridge Rd thru Harwood on slightly rolling rual well paved Anne Arundel County roads into Deale's dock area that looks onto the  Cheasapeake Bay. The return route takes you thru  additional rual wide-open horse farms, with much more climbing to get back to to Queen Anne Bridge Rd to finish. Lisa and John R. rode together to/fm at a faster pace, I swept from the rear. We had sunny skies, getting up to the mid-50s, w/ more of a  breeze than originally forecast, a nice riding day was had by all, with no incidents to report.
  • Fri, February 17, 2012 1:00 PM | Jackie Schoch
    Leader was Jackie Schoch, Riders were Randy Schoch, Steve Palincsar, John Riconda, Jeanne Ulrich, Rudy Elly, Pat Myers, Delane Rouse, Jane and Jim Hudnall, Larry Peed, Sam Perry (who started the ride 15 minutes late but caught up with us). Randy had to turned around at Old Woman Run so he could get back for a meeting downtown by 6 pm.  It was a great ride going toward White Plains since the wind was at our back.  BUT going back the wind was hitting our faces which made it a little harder, but in all it all was a great ride. A group of us had  late lunch/early dinner at Calo Jero's Deli that was a great time for everyone.   Next week hopefully the weather will be nice, so if you come for the ride please wear your Oxon Hill Jersey, because a newspaper reporter will meet us in White Plains for a photo shoot.  I jokingly said to Jim, "What my ride is getting so popular that a reporter is coming."  The reporter is doing an article on the trail, so come out with your colors. 
  • Tue, February 14, 2012 9:28 PM | Joan Oppel (Administrator)
    Another terrific "winter" (so-called on the calendar) day for riding.  Comfortable temperatures the entire morning, some clouds early, then some lovely sun, low winds.  Lots of road work crews out but only minimal hold ups.  Linda Bankerd, Mike Bivens (Grandpa!!), Darryl Lowery, Steve Palincsar and Tom Roberson joined the ride leader for a pleasant jaunt around and to Pisgah.  Then a little side trip down the Indian Head Trail and back to the shopping center.  And we all had a real good time.
  • Fri, February 10, 2012 1:00 PM | Jackie Schoch
    The ride leader was Jackie Schoch and riders were Randy Schoch, John Riconda, Paris Watson, Brian Riley, Yvonne and Henry Hoyle, Steve Palincsar, Larry Peed, Jan Tucker, Ruddy Elly, Jeanne Ulrich. The ride started out great but toward the end the temperature really dropped.  We had 2 guests, Parris and Brian, and hopefully we will see them again on a ride.  They learned about us from Bike Dr.  Thanks Bike Dr. for spreading the word. Jackie, Randy and Ruddy had dinner at CaloJero's and of course it was great.

Oxon Hill Bicycle and Trail Club
P.O. Box 81  
Oxon Hill, MD 20750-0081

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