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Oxon Hill Bicycle and Trail Club

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Ride Reports

Ride Leaders are encouraged to post reports on their rides. Members can comment on ride reports and anyone can read the reports and comments. Instructions for posting a report

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Click the “Add Post” button. For the Date and Time, enter the date and start time of the ride

For Subject, enter the Month/Day - Ride Name - Class and number of miles; for example: “6/30 - No Deale Ride - B 45 miles”.

In the Body box, enter your ride report. You can enter it directly into the text box using the word-processor features on the tool bar. After you enter the report, click the “Post” button at the top or bottom of the page and your ride report will be posted on the web site. As the author of the report, you will be able to edit or add to the report.

For a good article on Ride Reports and adding photos to Ride Reports, see pages 7 and 8 of the March 2018 "Spoke-n-Word" .

Here is suggested template for the body that you can copy (control-c) and paste (control-v) into the body of your ride posting.









  • Sun, September 08, 2024 10:00 AM | Ron Altemus (Administrator)

    Leader:   Ron Altemus

    Members:   Susan Altemus, Denny Miller, Steve Brown, Dave Van Ameyden, Debby Bowman, Patricia Sanders, Mary Scala, Ray Luckenbach

    Route:   Starting at Gunston Elementary, an out and back on Belmont Blvd to view the eponymous Bay, then a short bit of Gunston Road to the Mason Neck Trail.  We followed the trail to Mason Neck State Park for a rest stop at the visitor's center, as pictured above.  Retracing out of the park, another segment of Gunston Road allowed us to we tour Hallowing Point followed by Gnston Manor, both in a clockwise direction.  Returning to the trail, brief spur trips to Gunston Hall, Pohick Bay Park, and the Pohick Bay Golf Course completed our ride back to the start. 

    Weather:   a real hint of autumn as temps ranged from 64-70 degrees, brilliant blue sunshine w/cloudless skies,  NW breezes up to 9 mph, and it felt like absolutely NO humidity with dew points in the 40s.

    AMS:   rl in the low 11s; others similar, maybe a bit faster or slower

    Mechanicals/Mishaps:   none

    Report:  the weather made this a delightful ride.  For a couple of attendees, all new miles as this was their first time visiting Mason Neck.  We were the only trail riders, the road into and out of the park had little traffic, and Gunston Road was mostly car-free.

  • Sun, September 08, 2024 9:30 AM | Walt Roscello (Administrator)

    Leader: Walt Roscello

    Members: Catherine Ade


    I reversed the route for a new perspective.  Down Mechanicsville Rd so we weren't on it as long, UP the steep part on Hurry, but not the steep part on Bushwood nor the uphill south of Rt. 238.  A stop at Bushwood Wharf, then down to Colton's Point for another water view.  Up 470 and 242 in the reverse of usual, then a loop including Old Chestnut and north on Pin Cushion, then use Busy Corner to get to Laurel Grove, then up to the park and return on the trail.

    Weather: 60 at the start to the expected high of 72, almost cloudless blue sky.  A light headwind on the first half and a moderate headwind on the second (how does that happen?)

    AMS: 14.75

    Mechanicals/Mishaps: none

    Report: We started the weekend with nothing on the calendar, and I wasn't organized enough to get something ready for Saturday, so Catherine and I traded emails and selected a route, which I then reversed and modified for more water visits.

    After a warmup on the trail, with a deer sighting in the first 1/4 mile, we turned on Mechanicsville Rd and went past Chaptico, then up the hill on Hurry and enjoyed that road in reverse, as well as Bushwood.  We were mostly chatting and enjoying the day.  Once we reached Colton's Point we took a long break on the breakwater, which turned into looking at some mystery bugs which seem to hang onto the rocks in the wet zone.  Catherine also spotted that there was a lone Blue Crab in the water just off the shore.

    We ended up stepping into the museum to inquire about the ferry schedule, as Catherine has the idea to do a ride-island-museum-ride event.  Let her know if you're interested.  We also looked at their outdoor exhibits and did a little birdwatching.

    After another relaxed stop at the Abell store, we continued enjoying the weather while returning to Rt. 234, then up a hill and onto Bayside, which we then circled around to Pin Cushion which was also nice as we had already climbed the hill on 234, thus we didn't have to climb out as we would have on Colton's Point Road.  

    I chose to use Busy Corner and Morganza Turner to get directly on Laurel Grove, as I like riding that stretch.  We took another leisurely stop at Baggett Park (lots to eat and talk about), then straight back on the trail, which already had crunchy leaves on it and tons of squirrels, doing their squirrel thing of being safely off the trail, then dashing in front of us before we pass.  Catherine saw one with a whole corncob, not sure if he got it from a feed station or elsewhere.

    We finished with a slight twinge of fatigue, but happy with the route and enamored of the weather.  We had one last wildlife sighting as there was a grasshopper on my car.  We did some planning of potential fall rides, including this one with more mileage.

  • Fri, September 06, 2024 10:00 AM | Ron Altemus (Administrator)

    Leader:   Ron Altemus

    Members:  Donaro Gardner, Jackie & Randy Schoch, Mark Garrison, Gene Villiva, Pat Colvin and her eBike, Susan Altemus

    Route:  the Friday Fav - Indian Head Rail Trail from Livingston Road Parking lot to White Plains trailhead.  After a rest stop, return to the start. 

    Weather:  mostly cloudy, temp range upper 60s to low 70s, marginal air movement - direction undetermined, comfortable humidity

    AMS:  swept at 11.4 so faster for everyone else

    Mechanicals/Mishaps:  none

    Report:   nice to have Pat Colvin riding with the club again and joining us for a Friday IHRT excursion.  Lots of other trails users, including the mom stroller brigade between Middletown and White Plains.  Wildlife sightings were few and far between - common egret (or white heron, depending on your ornithological preferences) and a large turkey crossing the trail.  Numerous other birds heard but not seen.

    The Labor Day picnic rides included the IHRT in its entirety.  Today, only four plus days later, there seemed to be an explosion of fall wildflowers.   Between Bensville and White Plains, there was an abundance of tickseed sunflower, as pictured below.  Lots of butterflies were present feeding on the nectar of these flowers.

    After Pomfret, goldenrod became the predominant yellow wildflower, interspersed with white flowers (to be identified) and Joe Pye Weed.  The colors of fall will change quickly as the days shorten and temperatures cool.  Riding the IHRT always has new perspectives throughout the year.

    Next Friday, September 13, St James Episcopal Church will have a fish fry, 11 am - 6 pm.  After the IHRT ride, a number of us are planning to have lunch at the church.  $13 per person includes fish, potato salad, cole slaw, drink and one of Tom's famous cookies!  A great reason to join us for the ride and lunch afterwards.

  • Wed, September 04, 2024 5:30 PM | Sherwood (Administrator)

    Thank you Christopher Lawrence, Linda Bankerd, & Pat Colvin (OHBTC Members) for joining me Sherwood Byers, Ride Leader this evening for a casual ride around Accokeek Maryland and a short stop at Marshall Hall.  This was  a casual paced ride where all could enjoy their experience.  No mishaps/mechanical issues were reported to me unless you consider forgetting to turn on the assist on an ebike when climbing Barry's Hill (LMAO) and having to turn around and start the climb over again a mishap/mechanical.  All waited and no one was left behind.

  • Wed, September 04, 2024 10:00 AM | Rick Hagen (Administrator)

    Leaders: Lisa Petersen and Rick Hagen

    Members: Rick Hagen, Bill Silva, Pat Silva, Lisa Petersen

    Guests: none

    Route: This ride took us east and west across Calvert County for views of the Chesapeake Bay and the Patuxent River. We began at Route 260 Recreation Area and took country roads to a snack & bathroom stop at Chesapeake Market a third of the way through the ride. We then went through North Beach and into Chesapeake Beach to ride the Chesapeake Beach Railway Trail, then up the hills and west across the county and down to the historic town of Lower Marlboro. We wanted to take Flint Hill Road, but it was still being paved, so we went up Chaneyville Rd to a stop at the Fairview Library. We took Old Solomons Island Road to Friendship, and Wilson and Jewell to Chaney Rd rarely used by cyclists, then returned to the cars.

    RWGPS Route

    AMS: 12.8 mph

    Weather: So nice! Somewhere in the 70s, humidity in the 40s, and variable wind mostly out of the east at 10 mph.

    Mishaps: we got a little fresh asphalt stuck to our tires when we started up Flint Hill Rd.

    Report: Such a nice day! We had a good ride along Jewell to Leitch and Fairhaven down to Chesapeake Market and a short rest stop. We continued through North Beach and Chesapeake Beach to the Chesapeake Beach rail trail, where we saw elementary school kids on a field trip learning about oysters. The end of the rail trail put us into a neighborhood, which led us to Route 260, then we took Mt. Harmony Road to the highest part of Calvert County at 190 feet elevation. Skinners Turn, Briscoes Turn and Lower Marlboro roads took us down to the Patuxent River at the Lower Marlboro pier and a beautiful view since it was such a nice day. Then we continued to Flint Hill Road, which was being paved the day before, and got our hopes up since the trucks were all gone. We started the climb, but discovered there was too much sticky asphalt bits getting on our tires and bikes, so we turned around and took Chaneyville Rd instead. We stopped briefly at the Fairview Library for water and restrooms, then continued on to Owings and Friendship. Sansbury, Wilson and Jewell roads took us back to Route 260, but instead of the direct route back to the cars, we crossed 260 and took Chaney Rd, rarely used by cyclists. It’s a nice quiet road that parallels 260 past farm fields and led us to Route 4. A short ride on the shoulder of 4 took us down a hill and on a nicely curved exit onto Route 260 and back to the cars. The ride took us 4 hours.

    Wildlife: 2 great blue herons, 1 cormorant, 2 deer, 1 snowy egret, seagulls, all along the rail trail

  • Mon, September 02, 2024 5:30 PM | Joan Oppel (Administrator)

    leader: Joan Oppel

    Members: Candace Carlisle, Andrea Clayville, Melissa Coleman, Harold Datz, Rick Hagen, William Loewe, Sheila Loewe, Cathy Miller, Denny Miller, Karen Morgan, Taylor Morgan, Barbara McCann, "Sue" Murray, Sonja Newman, Lisa Petersen, Mary Scala, Bernard Steward, Dana Trevas, Rita Zeidner

    Route: A quick loop from Chicamuxen to Bicknell and Sweetman, then a stop at Smallwood State Park. The next leg was straight on Chicamuxen to Riverside and a loop on Sandy Point and Jacksontown to the Nanjemoy Store. Liverpool Point took us to Baptist Church, then Ironsides to cross Rt 6 continuing as Mason Springs. For our return, we stayed on Hawthorne all the way to Blair St, where we got on the IH trail back to the Indian Head Green.

    Weather: Hi 60's at ride start, into the low 70's, sunny and best of all -- low humidity!

    Report: Our group lost a few riders to the 30 mile group but we sort of picked up the B's and we were off. It was a beautiful day to be out on a bike. Two wildlife rescues - a turtle was moved from the middle of the road to the edge for safety. And, a vulture was spotted at the side of the road in distress with some sort of netting stuck on its beak. A rider knowledgeable about birds got off the bike and started toward it, at which point it was able to take off. Fortuitously, as it headed up, it bumped a twig of a branch, which dislodged the netting. (Birds can die if their beak is caught like that). 

    Our Smallwood State Park stop was lovely, the Nanjemoy Store was welcoming and we all returned to eat hot dogs and a lot of pickles and chips. (There were still cookies left at the end, but people still around were persuaded to take some home.)

  • Mon, September 02, 2024 3:07 PM | Jessica Hirschhorn (Administrator)

    AND a very generous TIP goes to the Weather Person, who brought us a simply glorious day to ride a bicycle. 

    BIG Turnout!  The 30 mile/ CC crew included:  Jessica Hirschhorn (leader), Peggy Alfonso, Robin Butler-LeFrancois, Stephen Cohen, Donato Gardner, Robin Garnett, Mark Garrison, Bethesda Handler and her wife Susan, Lynda Honberg, Ron Honberg, Christopher Lawrence, Joseph McKenzie, Darrell Meyer, Mary Ann Owsley, Deborah Reynolds, Brenda Ruby , David Grum (guest), Esther Steward, Leslie Tierstein, and Gene Villeva. 

    We started at 9:00 promptly, heading toward the Indian Head Rail Trail for a few miles before we hit the roads, that included Hawthorne, Chicamuxen, Bicknell, a rest stop at Smallwood Park with a lovely breeze from the water, Smallwood Church Road, Masons Spring Road with a second brief stop (and meet up with the 50 mile FAST GANG) at Pisgah Park.  We then skedaddled back home via Hawthorne, Strauss, and the IHRT for a bit.  

    A great PICNIC was had by all, that included yummy hotdogs + all the fixings, Cookies, pickles, chips and ice cold drinks. 

    Many thanks to Jackie, the Weiner chef, and all the volunteers who made this great day happen. 

  • Mon, September 02, 2024 9:00 AM | Randy Schoch (Administrator)

    Leader - Randy Schoch

    Members - Jackie Schoch, Susan & Ron Altemus, Gene Villiva, Pat Colvin, Lisa Petersen and Rick Hagen

    Guests - None

    Route - IHRT

    Weather - Cool and clear (70 degrees). It was a little chilly in the shady areas.

    AMS - Varied/per rider

    Mechanicals/Mishaps - None

    Report - A really good turnout for all the listed rides today. Our trail ride was the smallest number of riders. The trail was heavily used today by walkers, other bike riders, dogs, and kids. Also, lots of wildlife for everyone to enjoy. There were squirrels, birds, turtles, and deer. We took our short rest break at White Plains Rest Area. We were anxious to get back to the picnic at the Indian Head Village Green for hot dogs, etc. and to socialize with all the other riders as they came in. It was a great day with a large turnout of our riders with lots of food to enjoy. Tom P. from St. James Episc. Church even brought us some of his home make cookies.

  • Mon, September 02, 2024 8:30 AM | Walt Roscello (Administrator)

    Excuse any brevity in this report as this is the second time I'm entering it.

    Leader: Walt Roscello

    Members: Lori Michealson, Andrea Clayville, and Mario Salazar

    Guests: none


    Down to Smallwood Park, then to Riverside Rd and return up Mason Springs.

    Weather: 70 to 80 degrees, light breeze.  Probably the best day we've had in months.

    Mechanicals/Mishaps: Just a soft tire

    Report: From a mixed B/CC group, we ended up with four folks out in front.  We saw a lot of wildlife early on: rabbits, deer, buzzards, and a turtle rescue.  

    When arriving at Smallwood Park, someone asked about the footbridge so when we left, I took the group on a small tour of the camping area and the historic house.  The group enjoyed this and when riding the footpath back to the road, we realized both barn doors were open so most rode through the property's barn.

    That detour put us behind the CCs, so we arrived after them at the store.  When preparing to leave a few minutes after them, a solo rider appeared and said she had lost her group.  De'Aunte (I believe) had had a flat and then lost the 50 mile group, so we waited for a quick stop and added her to our group.

    We continued to enjoy the good weather at an enjoyable pace, with some taking it easier on the hills.  We took a pit stop on Mason Springs to check on Andrea's tire which was low, but not flat.  De'Aunte had one of the battery-powered pumps so it only took a few seconds to add 20-30 psi to the tire.

    Since we were near the back of the groups, and concerned whether the tire might go down again, we chose to skip the Pisgah Park stop and continue to the picnic.  We ended up among some other groups as they exited the park, but then all the groups split at the trail as some chose to go back on the trail, I and some others went up the hill, and De'Aunte went the other way on the trail to get herself back up to 50 miles.

    We all made it back safely and enjoyed the picnic.  Many thanks to the on-site workers and those who did logistics before and after.

  • Mon, September 02, 2024 8:00 AM | Sherwood (Administrator)

    Oxon Hill Bike and Trail Club (OHBTC) held its Annual Picnic Ride on Labor Day.  More than 70 riders had registered for the event.  Ride Leader Sherwood Byers, Sr. led a contingent of 17 Class A/B riders.  After a group photo the ride ride stated at the posted time of 8 AM.

    The ride started with a warmup pace and after about 5 miles the ride pace increased to a Class "A" pace where the groups split into the riders natural ride pace.  The Average Moving Speed (AMS) varied from 16.7 m/h at the lead to 16 m/h at the mid point to 13.6 m/h at the rear.  Many of this class riders skipped the first rest stop and continued on to the Nanjemoy Store, the 2nd rest stop at about 27 miles or about the halfway point of the ride.

    Today's ride turned out to be a great success with the weather god's hand delivering us a wonderful day to ride and picnic at the Village Green Community Center in Indian Head Maryland.  Other than 1 flat tire being reported, no mechanical issues/injuries were reported to me.

Oxon Hill Bicycle and Trail Club
P.O. Box 81  
Oxon Hill, MD 20750-0081

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