Leader - Joan Oppel
Joan giving a treat to a rescued Highland (Scottish) cow.
Members - Ron Altemus, Donaro Gardner, Patricia Sanders, Pat Walthers, Tom Short
Route - https://ridewithgps.com/routes/48179152 Along the trail to Bumpy Oak and all the way to Route 6. Then to Poorhouse and a stop at Pisgah Park, continue on Mason Springs to Smallwood Church. Over to Chicamuxen, into Smallwood Park, circle the road to the campground and General Smallwood's house and then around the gate to the "other" Sweden Point Rd. Then take Chicamuxen, Marbury Run and Hawthorne to home base.
Weather - Chilly but sunny start at 51 degrees, warming up quickly and ending in mid-70s
Mechanicals/Mishaps - None
Report - We started on a beautiful fall morning, very bright sun, some colorful trees, uneventful but enjoyable ride - until we stopped at a house on Smallwood Church Road, about a mile before Chicamuxen. A couple of riders noticed a Shetland pony and a donkey near a house and stopped to look. The owner came out and - soon everyone was feeding treats to various rescued animals housed at this mini farm. Two recently born calves were housed in the front yard, the pony and donkey had a large enclosure near the road, about 8 miniature goats had the run of another space - and 2 Highland (Scottish) cows had a large pasture in the back. We fed them all treats by hand, they all had names and the owner was obviously enamored of all of them.
Don getting checked out for more treats.
Ron and minifarm owner serving treats on demand.
Pat watching the treat frenzy.
Tom and the treat-seeking Shetland.